Acta Tecnología
A c t a    T e c n o l o g í a
International Scientific Journal about Technologies
ISSN 2453-675X


Aim and Scope

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Acta Tecnología

Aim and Scope

The journal Acta Tecnología (AT) aims to provide an academic platform in the fields of industry technologies, education, science and research, which are available to the general public and those interested in technologies, including students, academics as well as industry experts. The papers offer imaginative and creative solutions to specific technological problems. Furthermore, the journal aims to promote and provide young scientists and educators with the opportunity to publish original research to create future professionals in this field and act as the driving force of the economy and society.

The output and establishment of the journal are a direct consequence of the requirements of the European market for a specialized non-business journal. Acta Tecnología (AT) - International Scientific Journal about Technologies is one of the few non-trade journals focused on technologies, not only in Central Europe. The editors intend to attract experts in the field and anyone wishing to expand their knowledge of technology, research, education, and pedagogy in this area.

The journal focuses mainly on original, interesting, new and quality, theoretical, practical and application-oriented contributions to the scientific fields and research as well as to pedagogy and training in technology.

Acta Tecnología scientific journal focuses mainly on those industries that have an impact on technologies or are part of technologies (and not just about them):

Alternative Technologies
Application and Practical Research
Autonomous Systems Technology
CAD/CAM Systems in Technology
Complex Technological Systems
Design of Technological Systems
Education and Pedagogy in Technology
Ergonomics and Workplace Design
Industrial Engineering
Interactive Technologies
Management and Technologies
Methodology and Theory
New Technological Systems
Optimization and Streamlining of Technologies
Research and Technology Development
Simulation and Modelling in Technologies
Space Technologies
Technological Design
Technical Innovation
Technological Skills and Tools
Automotive Technologies
Aviation Technologies
Computer Systems Technologies
Environmental Technologies
Technologies and Logistics
Technologies and Services
Technologies and Transportation
Industrial Technologies
Medical Technologies
Work and Case Studies
ISSN 2453-675X
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Publisher:  4S go, s.r.o.
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