Acta Tecnología
A c t a    T e c n o l o g í a
International Scientific Journal about Technologies
ISSN 2453-675X


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Acta Tecnología

Journal Statement/Contact/About

Journal name: Acta Tecnología
Abbreviated key title: Acta Tecnol
Journal title initials: AT
Journal doi: 10.22306/atec
ISSN: 2453-675X
Start year: 2015
The first publishing: October 2015
Issue publishing: Quarterly
Publishing form: On-line electronic publishing
Availability of articles: Open Access Journal
Journal license: CC BY-NC
Publication ethics: COPE, ELSEVIER Publishing Ethics
Plagiarism check: Worldwide originality control system
Peer review process: Single-blind review at least two reviewers
Language: English
Journal e-mail:
Editor-in-Chief e-mail:
The journal focuses mainly on the original and new, interesting, high-quality, theoretical, practical and application-oriented contributions to science and research and pedagogy and education in technologies.
Acta Tecnologia journal supports the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). The primary directives include open access, reuse of outputs, diversity among authors and reviewers, peer review, description of provided services and related publishing charges.
Publisher: 4S go, s.r.o.
Address: Semsa 24, 044 21 Semsa, Slovak Republic, EU
Phone: +421 948 366 110
Publisher e-mail:
Responsibility for the content of a manuscript rests upon the authors and not upon the editors or the publisher.

ISSN 2453-675X
Copyright © 4S go, s.r.o.
All Rights Reserved
Publisher:  4S go, s.r.o.
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