Acta Tecnología
A c t a    T e c n o l o g í a
International Scientific Journal about Technologies
ISSN 2453-675X


Aim and Scope

Publication Ethics

Editorial Board

For Authors

Open Access Policy


Current Issue
Citation List of Articles
Technological Associations
Acta Tecnología

Instructions for Authors

Manuscript: Responsibility for the content of a manuscript rests upon the authors and not upon the editors or the publisher. The manuscript and the possible cover letter must be written in correct English. The manuscript and the possible cover letter must be prepared electronically by templates of the Acta Tecnología. By submitting a manuscript to the journal for the editorial process, the author/s agree with all the conditions stated in the individual sections on the pages of the journal. Therefore, ignorance or non-acquaintance with the information and the journal requirements is not a reason to justify their actions. The manuscript and the possible cover letter should be submitted by journal e-mail:

or should be sent by e-mail to Editor:

        Assoc. Prof. MSc. PhD. Lucia KNAPČÍKOVÁ
        Technical University of Košice
        Bayerova 1, 080 01 Prešov
        Slovak Republic, EU

The template for the manuscript preparation for the journal Acta Tecnología (AT) is available here: .
The template for the cover letter preparation for the journal Acta Tecnología (AT) is available here: .
Instructions for Authors are available here: .

Sample of articles: The reference and sample of articles are available in the archive section of the journal website.

Detailed instructions for authors about: Important notice: When the contribution will be published depends on how many editorially completed contributions are on the waiting list. The editorial office is not responsible for the deadlines of the projects of authors and co-authors. We are the publisher of a scientific journal, which has its own rules that are binding for all authors and co-authors. All authors and their contributions are equal and have the same rights. The editorial office treats everyone the same. Disadvantaging other authors and their contributions is unacceptable. The editorial office ensures compliance with publication ethics. Thank you for understanding and accepting the publication ethics.

ISSN 2453-675X
Copyright © 4S go, s.r.o.
All Rights Reserved
Publisher:  4S go, s.r.o.
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